Radio de l’à côté (2020- )
In the summer of 2020, after the pandemic forced us to close the Club for several months, we encounter each other at Martin Luther King Park or masked and distanced in Club Ami‘s room. A desire arised after this forced closure: we wanted to create something that would rersist another lockdown, to remain linked to each other. The idea of the radio project came naturally. We organized discussions, set a zoom on the table to capture it or record it with a cellphone. On Kijiji, we found an old k7 tape recorder that you spin around a table, each recording a few words, red peaks from the REC and black from the PLAY. An election is organized to choose the name of the project. It’s voted by applause: it’s going to be Radio de l’à côté (first proposed by I who said Radio de la côte but with an english accent it sounded like Radio de l’à côté so we collectively redirected the initial given title)!
Sounds have been accumulated over the months and here’s a 20 first minutes mockup. Visit our SoundCloud!
Les cahiers de Club Ami (2020 – )
Meanwhile the lockdown was going on, Club Ami stayed active in order to keep in touch with the members. Therefore, Club Ami organized the publication of Les cahiers de Club Ami. This bilingual zine constitutes a way to give shape to the collective by sharing ideas, drawings, collages, poems, etc. Since issue no. 5, an editorial committee as been created and we assemble under a theme for each issue.

Un rêve à réaliser (2016)
Un rêve à réaliser is an amazing short movie created in collaboration with the members of Club Ami. This short depicts the members revealing one of their dearest dreams, while it is being fulfilled in the background. The project was divided in many steps, from conception to execution by an independent film crew. This project was possible thanks to the Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale du Québec and to the City of Montreal for their financial support.
Club Ami, derrière le miroir (2013-2015)
After two years of work and fun, the collective video Club Ami, derrière le miroir allowed around sixty of our members to participate in the production of a testimony document on their personal stories, their creations, their inspirations and their relationships with the organization. This project was made possible thanks to the Administrative agreement on social development and fight against poverty and social exclusion.